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Digital on the other hand generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0's and 1's. Each of these state digits is referred to as a bit.
Rechargeable hearing aids have built-in batteries that do not require regular removal, compared to hearing aids with traditional disposable batteries. Instead of removing the batteries themselves, you dock your hearing aids each night on a charging unit, similar to how smartphones recharge.
The Signia Augmented Xperience Platform hearing aid range is the latest technology line (launched 2021) of hearing aids from the brand, which focuses on enhancing speech sounds whilst maintaining the natural complete signal quality of the environment. The Signia AXE technology results take the wearer on an immersive sound experience, unlike any other hearing aid technology.
Signia Xperience is the industry’s leading audiological platform, and it powers Signia hearing aids. It focuses on the lifestyle and actions of the wearer to enhance speech understanding in difficult listening situations for a more dynamic experience. When equipped with Xperience, our products let people hear what matters most around them.
A digital hearing aid is a hearing aid device that receives sound and digitizes it (breaks sound waves up into very small, discrete units) prior to amplification.
A digital hearing aid uses a microphone, but a microprocessor performs most of the device's functions digitally. Because the signal is represented as a series of numbers, it can be quickly and accurately altered.
Basic programmable hearing aid at low cost with minimum number of channel (2-4 channels) . Here hearing amplification and noise filtration option is minimal.
Standard programmable hearing aid at average cost with 6 to 16 channles digital processing. Here hearing amplification and noise filtration option is better than fewer channel.
Advance programmable hearing aid at high price with 24 channles and above digital processing. Here hearing amplification and noise filtration option is above than Standard programmable hearing aid.
Programmable digital hearing aid - has several features considering today's life style of human being- hence buying options differs-
Number of Channels of Hearing Aid.
Number of Micropones and Receivers in Hearing Aid
Water, Dust, Moisture and Shock Resistance marked using IP standard.
Wireless or Non Wireless - for connecting hearing aid using Bluetooth, Phone etc
Models like BTE, CIC, IIC, CROS, BICROS etc
Rechargeable hearing aid - has several features considering today's life style of human being- hence buying options differs-
Variable programming.
Water, Dust, Moisture and Shock Resistance marked using IP standard.
Connect to TVs, smartphones, and other devices with Bluetooth Low Energy technology
Remote controls.
Direct audio input.
Bluetooth connectivity to all phones
Outstanding speech clarity
Digital Hearing Assistant
Compact and sleek device
Telecoil Accessibility
Dynamic Soundscape Processing
Motion Sensors
Own Voice Processing (OVP™)
Acoustic Sensors
Inside Signia Xperience: A Deeper Dive