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Hearing Aid Purchase Guide for Users- SHROBONEE

Purchase Guide of Hearing Aid (Amplification Device):

  • Is it mandatory to do hearing assessment for scientific fitting?
  • Do I need a hearing aid for both the ears?
  • Which hearing aid is best for my particular type of hearing loss and lifestyle?
  • Is trial mandatory? (quiet as well as noisy situation)?
  • Will I get Maximum benefit with device(s) in daily life for communication?
  • If I purchase hearing aids from you, will I have any additional costs?
  • How often I should check or adjust my hearing aids?
  • How long will these hearing aids last?
  • How long I should use the aid(s)?
  • What will be the maximum usage of device(s) /day?
  • What type of warranty is available for these hearing devices?
  • What happens if I purchase hearing aids and am not satisfied with their performance?
  • Does my insurance cover the cost of these hearing aids?

By :

Miss. Chinmoyee Purusty

Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist

Hearing aid can be used in both calm and noisy situations. Hearing Aid has three basic parts namely microphone, amplifier and speaker also known as receiver. Hearing aid receives sound through microphone. Microphone convers sound waves to electrical signals and send to the amplifier. Amplifier increases sound signals as per requirement by the hearing aid user. Then amplified sound send to receiver for better hearing.

  1. Now a days two varient of hearing aids are available - Digital hearing aid and Analog hearing aid.
  2. Hearing aid is also known as assistive listening device.
  3. Hearing aid could not cure your hearing problem rather it improvers your hearing better for communication.
  4. Only partially deaf people could use hearing aid for better hearing. Completer deaf people could not get benifit with hearing aid.

A hearing aid is an electronic device that amplifies sounds through inbuilt amplifier. A person with hearing loss can hear better thereby communicate better to participate in day to day activities. Hearing aid can be used in both calm and noisy situations. Hearing Aid has three basic parts namely microphone, amplifier and speaker also known as receiver. Hearing aid receives sound through microphone. Microphone convers sound waves to electrical signals and send to the amplifier. Amplifier increases sound signals as per requirement by the hearing aid user. Then amplified sound send to receiver for better hearing.

  1. Now a days two varient of hearing aids are available - Digital hearing aid and Analog hearing aid.
  2. Hearing aid is also known as assistive listening device.
  3. Hearing aid could not cure your hearing problem rather it improvers your hearing better for communication.
  4. Only partially deaf people could use hearing aid for better hearing. Completer deaf people could not get benifit with hearing aid.

Rechargeable batteries, water resistant, dust proof, i-phone compatibility, Bluetooth and wireless technology.

  1. Artificial intelligence. Algorithms allow the hearing aid to analyze a wearer's environment and the sounds coming in, identify sounds and specific people, and automatically adjust the audio based on the wearer's level of hearing loss and preselected preferences.
  2. Wireless technology allows two hearing aids to operate together as one complete system, instead of acting as two independent devices.
  3. Rechargeable hearing aids have built-in batteries that do not require regular removal, compared to hearing aids with traditional disposable batteries. Instead of removing the batteries themselves, you dock your hearing aids each night on a charging unit, similar to how smartphones recharge.
  4. A common level of IP for hearing aids on the market today is IP67. These aids are dust tight and they are resistant in up to 1 meter of water submersion for up to 30 minutes. As you can tell, these aids are not designed for swimming, but they should be safe if they are accidentally dropped in water for a moment, such as a sink of water.

Hearing aids cannot cure hearing problem completely, but they can help you hear better again.

  1. Hearing Aid are tools to help you manage the problem, and while they can contribute significantly to an improved quality of life, they are not perfect.
  2. Even with successfully fitted hearing aids, you may still have difficulties hearing well in some situations.
  3. Only partially deaf people could use hearing aid for better hearing. Completer deaf people could not get benifit with hearing aid.

The price of Hearing Aids in India depends on style and signal processing technology used in the hearing aid . The price ranges from around Rs 10,000- Rs 6.5 lakhs depending on the style,level of technology,brands etc.

There are five main types of hearing aids. They are differentiated based on how much of the hearing aid is contained within the ear or ear canal and how much of it is external.Hearing aids are differentiated by where you place them, how they work, and special features. The five types of hearing devices are:

  1. Behind-the-ear (BTE)
  2. Receiver-in-canal (RIC)
  3. In-the-canal (ITC)
  4. Invisible-In-the-canal (IIC)
  5. Completely-in-the-canal (RIC)

Wearing hearing aids will ensure that your hearing nerves and your brain are getting the accurate stimulation to keep functioning. The longer you go without wearing hearing aids, the less stimulation you get and the worse your speech discrimination will become. Unfortunately, once the nerve is affected, there is no way to reverse it.

When you have two hearing aids, you can take better advantage of the way the brain processes sound through what’s known as binaural hearing. With normal hearing, sound signals from both ears are comparable in strength. The brain can pick out the impor­tant signals, like voices, when they’re louder than the background noise.

  1. Better Understanding In Noisy Places:
  2. Binaural Hearing Assists You In Better Identification Of Direction Of Sound:
  3. Binaural Hearing Creates Better Sound Quality:
  4. Binaural Hearing Creates Smoother Tone Quality:
  5. Binaural Hearing Creates A Wider Hearing Range:
  6. Binaural Hearing Allows Better Sound Identification:
  7. Binaual Hearing Keeps Both Your Ears Active:
  8. Binaural Hearing Is Less Tiring And Therefore, Makes Listening A More Pleasant Experience:
  9. Binaural Hearing Creates A Feeling Of Balance:
  10. Binaural Hearing Instruments Are More Comfortable When Loud Noises Occur:

The life span of a hearing aid battery is affected by many different factors. It depends on the type of hearing aid, the battery type and capacity, how often the hearing aid is used, and how much streaming you do.some of the common influences on hearing aids:


Your audiologist can help you make an appropriate choice based on your degree of hearing loss, the shape of your outer ear, the size and shape of the ear canal, your ability to place and adjust the device, any special features you need and any issues with excessive wax or drainage from the ears.

If your hearing declines, we are able to make adjustments to the hearing aids based on your updated hearing evaluation.

It’s well worth it to pay a little extra for a hearing aid you’ll feel comfortable wearing.The difference between cheap and expensive hearing aids is that:

  1. Appearance:Quality hearing aids often have a much more aesthetically pleasing appearance.Other expensive styles, such as behind-the-ear, receiver-in-canal, and in-the-ear, resemble the same sleek outward appearance of other modern digital devices such as iPhones.
  2. Features: Most high-quality hearing aids offer Bluetooth, which enables you to connect your hearing aids directly to your television, computer, or even your phone. Can makes Zoom calls, phone calls, and other activities much more pleasurable. It’s like having your own personal headphone whenever you listen to media.Expensive hearing aids offer remote monitoring.
  3. Sound Quality: A cheap hearing aid's sound quality is significantly different from the sound quality of an expensive hearing aid.Quality hearing aids are equipped with noise reduction. This is a handy feature that focuses on the speaker and can elevate the sound of just that conversation. A cheaper hearing aid would instead elevate all surrounding sounds, making it difficult to hear over background noise. In fact, these hearing aids can even be damaging as you'll continue to turn the volume up to uncomfortable levels just to hear the conversation.
  4. Final Thoughts: While any style of hearing aid will help improve your hearing, not all of them will provide the same experience. Therefore, if you want the best sound quality with a discreet style and seamless experience, you’re better off purchasing a quality hearing aid.

Some of the best hearing aid brands in India are:

  1. Signia (earliers Siemens, Germany)
  2. Phonak – Swiss
  3. Resound – Denmark
  4. Starkey – USA
  5. Bernafon – Swiss
  6. Oticon – Denmark
  7. Widex – Denmark

Hearing aids can provide relief for tinnitus by amplifying background noises and masking tinnitus sounds.

  1. It makes the patient less aware of the tinnitus and it improves communication by reducing the annoying sensation that sounds and voices are masked by the tinnitus.
  2. With hearing aid amplification, external sounds can provide sufficient activation of the auditory nervous system to reduce the tinnitus perception and it may elicit expression of neural plasticity that can reprogram the auditory nervous system and thereby have a long-term beneficial effect on tinnitus by restoring neural function.
  3. To obtain the best results, hearing aids should be fitted to both ears, use an open ear aid with the widest amplification band, and disabled noise reducing controls.

Your hearing aids should be cleaned and checked by your audiologist at least every 4-6 months.If problems with wax buildup, you may need to schedule professional cleanings more often. Wipe the hearing aids off every night before you put them in the case. Cleaning and checking regularly helps to protect your investment in better hearing by keeping your devices running for many years. If left uncleaned for too long, wax and debris can build up in the device causing serious problems and decreasing its performance.

As per manufacturer warranty policy we provide one-four year manufacturer's warranty (Depends on brand, price, technology, features etc).we also provide free service warranty to the hearing aid users. Hearing aid users complain will be resolved on timely basis and take corrective measures to avoid all kinds of hearing aid fitting disputes.Kindly go through the warranty terms and conditions before making any purchase.

Most modern high-quality hearing aids have a life expectancy on average between three and seven years.Just like buying a car, the actual mileage may vary. Factors impacting how long hearing aids will last

  1. Frequency of cleaning: Most people would never dream of going months without washing their hair, face or body; however, they forget their hearing aids are exposed to the same environment—moisture, dust, skin oils and sweat, extreme temperatures and sunlight.To help your hearing aids life expectancy, clean them daily as directed by your hearing care practitioner and have them professionally cleaned in the hearing clinic every three to four months.
  2. Materials used to make hearing aids: Hearing aids are made of plastic, metal, silicon, polymers and other materials that may be subject to some degree of structural degradation over time.
  3. Where hearing aids are worn: Hearing aids that are consistently in damp or dusty environments often have more performance issues than other hearing aids.
  4. How hearing aids are stored: The way hearing aids are stored when you’re not wearing them can also be a factor in hearing aid life expectancy. For hearing aids with disposable batteries, storing hearing aids with the battery door open will keep them safer. A case with a dehumidifier will keep them drier as well, which will also help them last longer.
  5. A person's body physiology: Some people have very oily skin, produce a lot of earwax or sweat profusely–all of these factors can impact hearing aid life, too.
  6. Frequency of maintenance: Most hearing aids have some readily-replaceable parts, such as wax guards, earmold tubing and silicone dome earpiece tips. These parts are regularly replaced during routine maintenance visits with your hearing care practitioner.
  7. Technological advancements: Obsolescence can become an issue for very old hearing aids. After several years (usually between five and 10), hearing aid manufacturers may stop making replacement parts for a particular aid, which may make repairs on old hearing aids difficult or impossible. Software used to program hearing aids also changes over time and eventually becomes obsolete. This often makes it difficult to reprogram very old hearing aids. Hearing aid performance and features advance very rapidly.
  8. Hearing aid style: Behind-the-ear (BTE) styles tend to have a long lifespan than in-the-ear (ITE) styles. The reason behind this wisdom is more of the electronic components sit in the damp environment of the ear canal with ITE styles.

We deal with latest technology digital hearing aids of all Foreign brands like Siemens, Widex, Resound, Oticon, Starkey, Danavox, Phonak etc.Our hearing aid Audiologists are expert in helping you to choose the right hearing aid for you or your loved one, fitting your budget, lifestyle, and type of hearing loss. There are so many different hearing aid models and feature sets, that there is sure to be one that’s perfect for you. Different hearing aid brands pursue a variety of features and designs which help to distinguish them from one another.

Top hearing aids with tinnitus features: 1)ReSound ONE , 2)Signia Silk X, 3)Starkey Livio Edge AI etc.

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