9830074043 / 9088366638 / 9674366630 / 9674366631 / 9674366632

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Hearing Aid Dealer in Kolkata, Price List 2021-22 SHROBONEE
For Hearing Aid & Hearing Test - Contact: 9830074043 / 9088366638 / 9674366630 / 9674366631 / 9674366632

Welcome to SHROBONEE - Best Digital Hearing Aid Dealer 2024

a Registered unit of MSME, Govt of India, ISO 9001-2015 Co., CRISIL An S&P Global Company, Rated MSE-2 Rank in 2019

-Our Speciality in Digital Hearing Aid Fitting

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- Latest technology digital ear aids of all Foreign brands like Signia, Widex, Resound, Oticon, Starkey, Danavox, Phonak etc.

- Wide variety of Ear Aid Products - Invisible In Canal (IIC), Behind The Ear (BTE), Receiver In Canal (RIC), Completely In Canal (CIC) and other hearing machine models availabhttps://shrobonee.com/frontend/price_list?basic_filter=brand&product_brand=8le

- Maximum types of Hearing & Vestibular Tests done under one roof- Pure Tone Audiometry, Tympanometry, SISI, TDT, ABLB, BERA, ECochG, OAE, ASSR, ENG (Electronystagmography),VNG, VHIT, VEMP, E.Tube function Test, Caloric Test, Glycerol Test , Speech Therapy, Voice Therapy, etc.

- RCI Registered experienced Audiologist and Speech Pathologist Team.

- Multiple Ear Machine fitting units at district levels -includes Kolkata (North and South), Howrah, Konnagar, Rampurhat, Katwa, Bashirhat, Habra, Krishnanagar, New Town, Raghunathpur (Purulia), Asansol, Arambagh, Uluberia and in others areas.

- Minimum Hearing Aid Prices Starts from Rs 1500/- to Maximum Ear Aid Cost Rs. 600000/-

- All time free programming and Rs. 0.00 services charges for in-shop users.

-Home visit available for selected ear machine Users (T&c's)

invisible tiny ear aid
Fully Invisible Smallest Tiny i.e. IIC Hearing Machine- 100% Digital

Brands Available - Starkey, Danavox, Phonak, Signia, Bernafon, Resound, Oticon & Widex. Suitable for Mild to Modereately Severe hearing loss.

Completely in Canal i.e. CIC Hearing Aid
Completely in Canal i.e. CIC Ear Aid- 100% Digital

Brands Available - Starkey, Danavox, Phonak, Signia, Bernafon, Resound, Oticon & Widex. Suitable for Mild to Severe hearing loss.

Receiver in Canal i.e. RIC Hearing Aid- 100% Digital
Receiver in Canal i.e. RIC Hearing Aid- 100% Digital

Brands Available - Starkey, Danavox, Phonak, Signia, Bernafon, Resound, Oticon & Widex. Suitable for Mild to Severe hearing loss. Both Recheargeable and Non Rechargeable Hearing Aids available

Siemens invisible tiny hearing aid
Behind The Ear i.e. BTE Hearing Aid- 100% Digital

Brands Available - Starkey, Danavox, Phonak, Signia, Bernafon, Resound, Oticon & Widex. Suitable for Mild to Profound hearing loss. Both Recheargeable and Non Rechargeable Hearing Aids available

New Latest Digital Hearing Aid Models 2024 - Danavox Denmark

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Hearing Loss

What are the symptoms of Hearing Loss?

- Do you experience constant ringing in one or both ears?

- Do you feel which ear is better?

- Do you have trouble determining where sounds come from?

- Do you ask for repetition?

- Do you think people talking with you seem to mumble?

- Do you often think "my hearing is not as good as it used to be?"

- Does it seem like people do not speak clearly?

- Do you feel you have to strain to understand conversations?

- Do you feel unclear of speech from back side or distance than front. 

- Does your family members and friends told you can’t hear properly.

- Do you avoid social activities & group conversation for fear that you will not be able to hear

- Do you have trouble understanding the speaker’s at large gatherings?

- Do you have trouble hearing conversations in a noisy background such as a crowded room or restaurant?

- Do you have a problem hearing voices over the telephone?

- Do you worry that you may not hear the telephone ring or doorbell?

- Do you listen TV at a loud volume, or have trouble understanding conversations on TV?

What are the types of Hearing Loss?

In general Hearing loss can be categorized by:-

- Permanent hearing loss - can't be cured.

- Temporary hearing loss - can be cured through proper medical treatment.

Medical diagnosis Hearing Loss can be categorized -

- Conductive Hearing Loss - Problem in External and Middle Ear only

- Sensory Neural Hearing Loss - Problem in Inner Ear only

- Mixed Hearing Loss - Problem in all three - External, Middle and Inner Ear.

What are the causes of Hearing Loss?

- Genetic problem.

- Ageing

- Exposure to Noise

- Ear infections are the common cause

- Birth complications

- Traumatic injury to ear

- Due to medicines and toxins.

- Excessive use of Headphones and Mobiles

- Smoking, unhealthy lifestyle etc.

In normal course any persons having hearing loss can identify hearing loss by

- Problems in general communications when talking each other.

- Listening TV, Radio etc in loud volume.

- Others people are commenting - have you hearing problem?

- Long time suffering from ear diseases.

- Can't hear whispering sound etc.

Clinically hearing loss is measured through -

- Audiometer Device in a Acoustically controlled room.

where audiologist measure hearing thresholds and frame a curve known as Audiogram for each ear indicating ability to hearing.

By drawing audiogram curve audiologist caterorized hearing loss in decible unit - Mild Hearing Loss, Moderate Hearing Loss, Moderately Severe Hearing Loss, Severe Hearing Loss, Profound Hearing Loss.

Hearing loss or hearing impairment is inability to hear totally or partially. We define complete deaf as no hearing ability. Whereas a person with partial hearing problem can hear with hearing aid. 

A person suffering from hearing loss only in one ear is known as unilateral hearing loss. A person having inability to hearing in both ears is known a binaural hearing loss. 

Patient having hearing loss can feel loneliness, communication problem, social problems. Children suffering from hearing loss can affect the ability to learn spoken language.

Temporary hearing loss may be cured through medical guidance whereas permanent hearing loss can't be cured.

Hearing aid to be prescribed for those suffering from permanent partial hearing problem. Completer deaf person have no result with hearing aid.

Our Location

86/1 B T Road, Near: Shyambazar Crossing -Tala Post Office & R.G.Kar Bus Stop, Kolkata 700002

+919830074043, +919674366631

9B Mohan Lal Street, Between Shyambazar Crossing A.P.C.Road and C.E.S.C Office (Xerox Goli), Kolkata 700004

+919830074043, +919674366630

4C Charu Chandra Avenue, Beside: Tollygunge Railbridge [Rabindra Sarobor Metro Station], Charu Market Bus Stop, Kolkata 700033

+919830074043, +919674366632

40, DR.P.K.Banerjee Road, between Howrah Jail Gate & MULLICK PHATAK, Bus Stop: Mullick Phatak

+9198300 74043, +91 9088100619

Near Court More, Opposite Agrani Sangha Club Asansol, Asansol, West Bengal 713304

+91 9830074043, +91 9088832020

Town Road, Nimtala Bus Stand Opposite Prince Nursing Home Word No 15, Tamluk, West Bengal 721636

+919830074043 ,+91 9088100776

Near Rate Para More, Bongaon to Chakdah Road, Bangaon, 24 pgs. North (Monday to Saturday 10amto 5pm))

+91 98300 74043 , +91 9088366639

108/154, S.N.Majumber Road, Beside Bashirhat Registry More Bashirhat, West Bengal 743411

9+19830074043 , +919674366635

AA-1B, BD - COMMUNITY MARKET, 1ST FLOOR, Shop No -S-425, Street No -165, New Town, Opposite lane of HIDCO, Kolkata, 700163

+919830074043 , +918820132373

Post Office Road, North Habra, Near Kerosine Pump, North Habra, West Bengal 743263

+919830074043, +917596058981

Newtown Zila Hospital more, beside SBI ATM, Shipra Building, Diamond Harbour, PIN- 743331

+919674366632 ,+91 9088202966


Dwarka Rukmani Plaza, Baghajatin Road, Siliguri, Opposite Siliguri Court. Shop No-2, 1st floor



Laxhmi Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Mithu Road, Near Bank More






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