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Features of Digital Hearing Aids

Publish Date : 2023-10-06 08:48:46


The different channel speaks to the number of discrete areas. It is utilized for handling distinctive pieces of the approaching sound signal. So many channels provide flexibility to the hearing aids. With multiple channels, it is easy to grab sounds from multiple directions.

Directional microphone

A directional microphone is structured so as to give a lift to sounds originating from the source. The source is in front of the wearer. Directional microphone improves the quality of sound with respect to background noise.

Impulse Noise Decrease

Impulse noise decrease works for a similar reason as digital noise decrease. This framework identifies any transient loud noises.

Feedback System

The feedback system controls the unavoidable input. for example, the whistling sound happens when there is an issue. This input administration framework reduces this issue when happens in the portable amplifier. Such a component is inbuilt in advance digital hearing aids.

FM similarity

FM abbreviated as frequency modulation. This feature is compatible with your hearing aids. This feature of a portable amplifier is very important for your kid. Because of this FM feature, your kid can easily listen to the sound of the educator.

Components of Hearing Aids

Microphone: It receives the sounds waves from the air and converts them into electrical signals. Basically, there are two types of microphones:

Directional: Directional microphones receives the signal from the person standing in front of the person who is wearing them.

Omnidirectional: The name is Omnidirectional because omnidirectional microphones receive the signal from all the directions.

Nowadays, most of the hearing aids came up with both mics features i.e. directional and omnidirectional.

Amplifier: The signal received from the microphone goes to the amplifier which increases the power of a signal.

Receiver: Generally, It converts the digital signal into vibration. This passes through the inner ear to the brain. Some of the hearing aids are directly set into a particular position in the ear canal. Some others set nearby a small tube by which it connects and inserted into the ear.

Battery: Battery provides the power to the hearing machine.

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